Copyright Information
Different portions and files on this web site are using different copyright licenses. Therefore, to use the information provided here it is necessary to know which part of it belongs to which of the license conditions.
The intellectual content of "South Slavic Monastic Culture" Project pages sponsored by ASO are copyrighted by their corresponding authors. The license is Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 3.0 under legislation in Bulgaria. In short, you could download and disseminate information, but you are not allowed to alter, transform, or build upon the works on this section of the site.
The Document Type Definition file repertoirx.dtd is build upon the TEI P4 models. The last format of their P4 editorial copyright notice is as follows:
"Copyright (c) 2002 TEI Consortium. Permission to copy in any form is granted, provided this notice is included in all copies. These materials may not be altered; modifications to these DTDs should be performed only as specified by the Guidelines, for example in the chapter entitled 'Modifying the TEI DTD'..."
The modification of their schema is explained in the Introduction to Repertorium XML model. This documentation is using GNU license for documentation known as GNU Free Documentation License. Read a copy of it here or at the GNU site.
The last version of TEI schema files in P5 edition (in formats DTD, RNG, RNC and XSD) is distributed under the terms of GNU General Public License. A copy of the conditions could be obtained from the GNU foundation or read here in the file COPYING.txt for the TEI variant or here as a copy of GNU text.
The original xsl files library are made availlable by Text Encoding Initiative (author: Sebastian Rahtz) in the terms of GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the GNU Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version". You could read the license conditions on the site of GNU foundation along with their explanations. A copy of the text is available here as well. Our original file is distributed under the same conditions. The difference between this license and the former is mainly in the fact that GNU Lesser General Public License allows inclusion in the software for commercial purposes.
These pages are using design from NodeThirtyThree Design and is being downloaded from the Open Source Web Design site. We are using the template called Nonzero. This template is released under the Creative Commons Attributions 2.5 license. Read here the original author's copyright notice. More information about this license is available at the site of Creative Commons. This model is further enchanced to meet our needs by Andrej Bojadžiev (Sofia University) (e-mail: aboy (at) slav . uni-sofia . bg).
In short, all these licenses are giving you rights to use and disseminate the information on the SLOVO site but you must clearly attribute the original authorship. Changes are not allowed for the materials in the section "South Slavic Monastic Culture".